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How would you feel about having a mandatory class in high school that teaches about budgeting, handling or avoiding debt, making good investments, signing important documents, job interviews, and other important adult life skills?

  1. I had 2 elective classes like this in high school. One was called introduced to finance, and it was check book balancing, budgeting, income, taxes, and depreciation basically. Then I took "life choices" where you learned about renters rights, leases, planning for children and stuff like that. They were fun classes for me, and the teachers were cool. I'm glad they were broken up into 2 classes though
    — TheGreensKeeper420

  2. All of the highschools in my area have a class like this. The problem is that everyone is still a kid and majority of people don't take it seriously and in turn has became kind of a joke. Plus they add a lot of modules that don't have anything to do with real life which takes away from the seriousness of it.
    — A_Sightstone

  3. I had an experience like this my senior year. The guy who taught various math, and the senior econ class was also the girls basketball team coach. Every year, when basketball season started, the first few weeks he'd just put a movie on for every class and focus on his basketball stuff. It was awesome. Senior year he decided to play a bunch of episodes of a show called 20/20 that focused on the dangers of credit card debt, and how credit card companies entrapped college kids. Once we got back in to lectures, he talked about expenses of rent, utilities, etc, and what, at that time, we needed to make an hour to support ourselves. He covered various other financial topics. Most valuable class I have ever had. I emailed him earlier this year finally to thank him for that class.
    — optimaloutcome

  4. My daughter took a "financial math" class in her senior year. Taught her about taxes and credit and budgeting. The downside is she learned about compound interest, so she is playing Overwatch in my basement rather than racking up student loan debt like a proper millennial. If your school doesn't offer something like that, Dave Ramsey has a teen program. A little jesusy for me, but better than the zero instruction I received.
    — Taodragons

  5. I teach fifth grade and run my classroom on an economy: desk rent, taxes, hurricanes come through and those that don't have insurance owe big, kids can buy their desks, outsourcing (another student in another room does the job for a piece of candy instead of money), don't do your job? get fired, cover letters, 'debtors prison' ... it all relates back to when the colonies had a monarch. It's fun! The kids love it! Didn't do your homework? $100, please. Budgeting, wants and needs, spending: all are covered as part of classroom management.
    — Trixietrue

  6. I had a class like this; most of these people don't give a shit, they were too busy complaining that school was a useless waste of time.
    — Irish-lawyer