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How was your first date with your current SO?

  1. We didn't know it was a date. Our friends all planned to meet up to see Iron Man and my dad gave me this "I want to goooooo" speech so of course I told him to come with me, I asked if we could drive a friend down too and he said sure. So the three of us are waiting for everyone to show up at the theater and get a bunch of messages "sorry can't make it" "I have to finish this project for class". So we say no biggie and head in. My dad sits between us, nudging us both the whole movie about how it holds up to the comics and now it's tradition for the three of us to see all the marvel movies together and my dad always sits between my husband and I. TLDR: My dad crashed my first date I didn't know I was going on so he could watch Iron Man.
    — gingerattacks

  2. Went for a nice day at the zoo. It was the height of Aussie summer, 40C in the city. Got a train into the city, chitchat, having a nice time but pretty reserved and polite. Bought tickets, walked in, and the very first thing we see is a tapir. Little did we know, tapirs have enormous prehensile penises, and when it's hot, they beat themselves in the chest with it to cool down. We broke down laughing. Broke the politeness barrier immediately, had a fuckin' sick day and been together 4 years now
    — Beelzeboof

  3. I took her to see a movie. When I was buying the tickets, she tried to reach through the glass pane. There was something holding pamphlets or something on the inside of the glass and she tried to reach through it. She smashed her hand and the guy behind the glass just shook his head. I guess that's when I figured out I'd end up marrying her. She's hilarious.
    — jazz234

  4. Our first date was a double date. My roommate was going with my future husband and I was paired up with someone else. My now husband was driving home after the movie, and my roommate (and best friend of 5 years) was in the front seat. It was late, he was tired, and he absent-mindedly drifted onto the rumble strips at the side of the road for a moment. My roommate, a complete diva princess, suddenly screamed, “WILL YOU STOP THAT?! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!” My future groom looked over at her and said, “Oh, I’m sorry!” And then proceeded to drive onto the rumble strips for a good 30 seconds with a shit-eating grin on his face. After the date she stomped off while he and I made plans for another date. The rest is history! Edit: We all stayed friends after that, but she was so not interested in dating the kind of guys I was interested in. She came to our wedding 5 years later!
    — korthlm

  5. I have a pretty good one. I met a girl who was really into the band The National (this was right around the release of the album Alligator, 2006 I think). We were living in Baltimore at the time, so I looked up their tour dates and found they were playing in DC (9:30 Club) that same week. I had already asked her to dinner, but instead I thought I'd surprise her by taking her to the show. Turns out, the show was sold out. I've been to plenty of sold out shows at the 9:30 club and unless it's a huge act (The National were much smaller at the time), 9/10 you can scalp tickets at the door. We stood outside sipping on bourbon we brought with us and we had no luck getting tickets. Eventually we could hear The National's set begin, so we decided to head back to Bmore. Just then I start talking to some random guy outside the venue about some indie bands, and some other random stuff. We share a cigarette and some bourbon when he asks how we're enjoying the show. We tell him the situation, he looks at us, asks our names and tells us to follow him to the door. Turns out he was the guitarist for the opening band. He introduced us at the entrance, said we're now on the the guest list. Great show. Great first date. We're engaged now. Some other fun stuff happened that night, a friend fell down a manhole and Grand Marnier saved the day.
    — BrestRRoin

  6. Dating site match. He showed up 30 minutes late but was cute and charming. I said to myself “he will be late to everything if he was late to a first date. If we end up together, I just need to recognize that’s who he is and accept it”. We got vacuumed out of the restaurant that night. A year later we moved in together. A couple years later, we married. We’ve been married for 2.5 years and have never been happier. He’s still late to everything. I just make up fake start times for events that matter. For others, I just don’t care. Every time that I get slightly annoyed, I remind myself of that first date so I remember that I signed up for that aspect. And, if that’s his biggest flaw, I’m a lucky lady.
    — vonMishka

  7. We met when he picked me up at the airport on the way to the camp we both were to work at that summer. My first season, his third. We did not like each other. I had just gotten out of a long relationship and was determined to fly solo for as long as I could. Not a week later we had our first kiss together and he asked me on a date. I remember buying a $5 sundress from Kmart and sprinting back up to my room to borrow some of my roommate's makeup when another coworker told me how hard my now SO had tried to look nice. "He must really give a shit." He took me out to dinner at a wonderful restaurant that isn't there anymore and drank mango pale ale and ate ice cream and it was amazing. Four years later, he is still following me around the country and I love him.
    — danger110

  8. I demolished a Chipotle burrito in about 5 minutes before making fun of him for not being able to even eat half of his. Then I fell down the steps at the theater when I got up to pee during the movie that he didn't even want to see. We're still doing great 8 years later!
    — magiciansnephew

  9. We met on OK Cupid and hit it off pretty quickly. We went to a Mexican restaurant, and I stole some avocado from his order to go with mine, this setting a precedent for our relationship. Our first kiss was partway through the date because it felt dumb to wait until the end. We got froyo and drove around and I grabbed his butt when he kissed me goodnight. We've been together almost 3.5 years, and we'll married for a week Saturday. So, I guess it went pretty well.
    — El_Stupacabra

  10. Well...first date with my GF of 14 years was to watch a movie. The Big Fish. I thought it was just a wacky comedy. It was a great movie but I was not ready for the fact it was about someone exactly like my dad who ten years earlier died in hospital after a long illness the same way. After the movie, got back to my car and bawled my eyes out next to her. (I don't normally do that).
    — somewhat_random

  11. I was 16 (almost 17), he had just turned 19. He took me to a donut shop where we ate cream horns, then we drove through a park that had drive through Christmas lights. We were the only ones there, so at the end we reversed to the start and drove through again. It was apparently hard on the car (which happened to be his brother's old thing) and it started overheating. It ended up ok. We were listening to the Beatles on the way home and he was drumming on the steering wheel and accidentally turned on the wipers and couldn't figure out how to turn them off. He hugged me before we said goodnight. That will be 23 years ago on December 7th and we've been married 19 years. So it was pretty good. :)
    — SunshinePumpkin

  12. Met on tinder, arrived three minutes late which is very unlike me. I brought a rose. She answered the door with “you’re early!” And was obviously getting ready. I said “I’m three minutes late...” she said “that’s early for me, want to walk my dog?” I then walked her dog because who doesn’t love dogs?... We’re happily married and she just gave birth to our first child.
    — knowledgekills12

  13. Met in a museum. Well, the museum cafe was crowded and she sat down at my table. We walked around the museum together and around half time she was holding my arm.
    — goldenewsd

  14. Terrible. She kept saying it was definitely not a date and she wanted nothing to do with me and that she only agreed to see me because her friends said she was mean. (In her defense, she was freshly out of a bad relationship and about to leave the country for a year to work.) It turned out great though because we got married 3 years, 6 months and 8 days later and have been married for 8+ years now
    — mrmdc

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