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Reddit, what's more uncomfortable than wet socks?

  1. A hair in your mouth that you can feel, but have trouble locating it for removal.
    — ArjunaParekh

  2. Wet, sandy/salty underwear. Like if you go to the beach and go out into the ocean in your clothes, but don't have anything to change in to after you are done. So you spend the next couple hours with damp underwear, which are uncomfortable enough as it is, but with the bonus of residual sand and/or salt from the ocean.
    — BranWafr

  3. Wet toilet seat.
    — xSinityx

  4. Peeling off that little bit of nail that turns out is connected to the skin of your fingers
    — jiakpng

  5. When the cuff of your shirt gets wet. I hate when it keeps touching my wrist after that
    — Inspiredlikearabbit

  6. Putting on a cold, wet, wetsuit.
    — Ben716

  7. Knowing there is a huge crusty booger in your nose but you are somewhere you can't pick it n' flick it or have no tissues nearby.
    — walla_walla_rhubarb

  8. Itchy buttcrack in public while wearing tight jeans. Worse still, same scenario but with an itchy crotch.
    — acatnamedcarl

  9. Diarrhea in your pants
    — Freybae

  10. One of those sharp boogers that scratches the side of your nostril every time you breathe.
    — Dear_Occupant

  11. When you're hanging out with a friend or family member and you run into someone they know, but you don't. And you just stand there awkwardly hoping nobody acknowledges you and your friend or family member hurries the fuck up.
    — RiflemanLax

  12. Having a tiny stone in your shoe. Not big enough to really hurt you, but big enough to be felt.
    — redchindi

  13. Wet jeans
    — angrychinchillanoise

  14. That popcorn husk that gets stuck between your gum and tooth

  15. Being alone in a car with someone you’ve never met
    — icecreampopncereal

  16. One shoe tied tighter than the other.
    — le-fleur-violet