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What will be your last meal if you're going to be executed?
- 1 glass of lethal injection antidote, please!
— RK_9001
- Well, considering that I would void my bowels upon death, the menu would consist of:
- Tacos
- Ribs
- Bacon
- Boiled eggs, fried eggs, egg salad sandwiches
- Asparagus
Enjoy cleaning that up, ya bastards.
— MMacKillop
- Lobster, never had it since I'm deathly allergic. I'll go out with class and on my own terms.
— FatkingLord69
- Neverending pasta and breadsticks from Olive Garden
— neckbrace
- My gf would probably still be unable to decide in this situation.
— KS_Gaming
- McRib and shamrock shake. Muahaha
— Mucl
- A bottle of vodka and a bag of crisps.
— TenNinetythree
- If it were by electric chair, I'd order a big tub of raw popcorn kernels so when they shock me, popcorn spills out of my mouth like a Poplite machine.
— Omny87
- I'd have a huge English breakfast
— HitchikersPie
- The 1 up shroom from Mario
— KollXtasy
- I'm gluten-free. So REAL spaghetti and meatballs, waffles, donuts, and fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.
— TinuvieltheWolf
- Half gallon of Jameson and 2 packs of smokes.
— YinzBurgh