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Hitchhikers of Reddit, what should first-time hitchhikers remember on their first trip?

  1. hitchhiked across canada, had no problems. standard rule of thumb is you'll walk for twice as long as you'll need to drive. so if your hiking for a 2hr ride be prepared to be outside for 4hrs before getting ride. not always true but its a good thing to think about. stay hydrated, stay cool, stay sunblocked. if you smoke (weed or cigs) don't smoke while trying to find a ride you'll tend to miss more rides if you smell like smoke. your a guest be polite kinda deal right. learn a bit about the hiking laws and whatnot, tends to help with if you hit a cop snag, gas stations are good for rides and water usually. small towns are a death sentence 9/10 times. spent days trying to get out of some small towns. I had better luck fly a sign that said "east" or "province X" rather than a city name. some people will pick you up just to give you shit. don't separate from your bag, never toss it in a trunk. trust your gut.
    — Zombroke

  2. Don’t wear sunglasses. If you make eye contact with people they are more likely to feel empathy and pick you up.
    — SendBoobJobFunds

  3. some people want to talk with you, some people want to talk at you, some people want silence. Also take plenty of water and sunblock. EDIT, also stick your thumb out for *everything* Ive had rides in everything from an ambulance to a boat.
    — xtiaaneubaten

  4. Things you don’t discuss are politics and religion. Source: hitchhiked over 20’000km. It never ended well.
    — stuckInShower

  5. I have hitchhiked all over the US as a female both solo and with others. Clean up before hitchhiking. Go to a gas station and wipe up your funky bits with soapy paper towels. Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Clean up the restroom after you use it. Don't trap drivers in your funk. Make sure you're in a spot a driver can safely pull over in enough time and that you're visible. Don't hitch at night. On ramps to the highway before the pedestrians not permitted on highway sign is a good spot to hitch or gas stations/truck stops. Let the driver see your face. Give em a smile, pretend dramatic crying, make em laugh. You have 5 seconds to make them feel you're not a serial killer. Funny cardboard signs are great. Always do a polite jog to the car. Don't walk slowly. Don't run up and terrify them. Do not put your pack into the car first so they can't drive off with it. Ask where the driver is going to get a feel for the person. Any red flags just make up an excuse & bail. When in the ride check the windows and doors to see if they have locks on them in case you need to escape. Thank the driver, tell them your name, explain briefly why you were hitchhiking, and this will show if they want to talk or not. Most drivers want some company and I find they're interested in my lifestyle. So I end up sharing lots of stories about my life and telling jokes. I also try to find common ground so they feel comfortable talking like asking them where they're from. Then we can talk about good things in that place. Watch for body language. Don't overstay your welcome. When they drop you off somewhere always thank the driver. If you're a quality hitchhiker they'll be more likely to pick up the next one.
    — Gemsofwisdom

  6. Don't smoke, don't throw rocks at signs, never take your shirt off ie don't look like a dirtbag. I always kept walking unless it was a really good spot (long straight away) sometimes people would pass you twice and see you've walked a long way and pick you up the second time. I always juggled while hitching which got me several rides.
    — Peppyperoni

  7. A towel is just about the most massively useful thing any Hitchhiker can carry.
    — AnonymousTrollLloyd

  8. I once picked up what may have been the wisest hitchhiker ever. He was carrying a red gas can, so I stopped to give the poor out of gas SOB a ride. But that was no ordinary gas can. He had cut a flap in it and was using it as a mini ice chest to keep his beers cold. I took that clever motherfucker all the way to his destination.
    — 5hot6un

  9. Don't Panic
    — Hayden3456

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