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You now have the opposite of your current job, what do you do?

  1. I... injure people? Real job is making workplaces safe for employees. So I guess the opposite is either laying traps for employees or just straight up injuring them.
    — duhbell

  2. Yay I'd be employed!
    — annamale

  3. I'm a teacher, so this could go one of two ways. 1. I'm a student. Pretty straight-forward. 2. As an educator, would the opposite be someone who makes people stupider? Would my job be to spread fake news on Facebook or make a bunch of shitty "10 Things You Didn't Know About X" videos?
    — Drink_it_black

  4. Cut holes in people’s skin and put cysts inside of them.
    — tcainerr

  5. i now destroy medical data archives and delete medical databases
    — silenthanjorb

  6. I make sure your packages get delivered on time.
    — OfficialMonsantoPR

  7. Pass all my college classes
    — vadlmaster

  8. Hide, randomise, and delete large amounts of data.
    — Werrf

  9. I'm an arsonist
    — iambatmanjoe

  10. I don't know how to un-bake bread.
    — Leafy81

  11. We put copper back into the earth.
    — LessThanTaelor

  12. I make people sick and injured.
    — LadyVimes

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